The variations in the use of pre-proceedings in different local authorities has been highlighted by the Care Crisis Review, the Chief Social Worker Isabelle Trowler in her report ‘Clear Blue Water’ and the Family Justice Board in its recent newsletter.
There is, it is believed, potential for pre-proceedings to play a greater part in addressing the rise in the volume of care proceedings. This event will share practice examples from local authorities who are attempting to respond to the challenge of rising numbers of cases in a variety of ways. The day also offers an opportunity to hear from experts from across the family justice community including Teresa Williams (Director of Strategy, Cafcass), Sally-Ann Jenkins (Chair, AWHOCS) , Noel Arnold (Co-Chair, ALC), Cathy Ashley (Chief Exec. Family Rights Group) and Matthew Brazier (Specialist Advisor, Ofsted), with an opening address from The Honourable Sir James Munby.