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In Conversation with… Professor Carlene Firmin MBE

Author, activist and founder of Contextual Safeguarding – the pioneering concept which grounds approaches to child protection in the extra-familial contexts of the child.

Currently Professor of Social Work at Durham University, Carlene is concerned with safeguarding young people, social justice and inequality, with particular expertise in social care responses to abuse between young people and harm in extra-familial spaces and places. Her ongoing work includes enhancing practice and policy on contextual safeguarding.

The Nuffield FJO young people’s project is working with young people, families and professionals from across children’s services, family justice and youth justice to identify better ways to support and achieve justice for young people. Find out more. 

Nuffield FJO’s new ‘In conversation with…’ series will bring you leading thinkers, experts, practitioners and those with lived experience for frank discussions on a variety of themes related to children and families in the family justice system. Questions from the audience are welcomed before and during the discussions.

Watch the discussion

  • Carlene Firmin
    Professor of Social Work
    Durham University
  • Headshot of Lisa Harker.
    Nuffield Family Justice Observatory
