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Principles of Care for Children with Complex Needs

Authors & Organisations
Dr Dickon Bevington: Anna Freud
Dr Robbie Duschinsky: University of Cambridge
Dr Rachel Hiller: UCL and Anna Freud
Professor Lisa Holmes: University of Sussex
Professor Eamon McCrory: UCL and Anna Freud
Professor Helen Minnis: University of Glasgow
Dr Alice Simon: University of Exeter
Dr Dickon Bevington
Dr Robbie Duschinsky
Dr Rachel Hiller
Professor Lisa Holmes
Professor Eamon McCrory
Professor Helen Minnis
Dr Alice Simon
Anna Freud
University of Cambridge
UCL and Anna Freud
University of Sussex
UCL and Anna Freud
University of Glasgow
University of Exeter

Changes to ways of working, and to the type and availability of services and provision, is necessary to better meet the needs of children with complex needs and circumstances, including those subject to deprivation of liberty orders.

In order to support the change needed, Nuffield FJO has developed five principles of care in collaboration with a panel of leading academics.
