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Children subject to secure accommodation orders: A data review

Authors & Organisations
Alice Roe: Nuffield Family Justice Observatory
Dr Linda Cusworth: Lancaster University
Dr Bachar Alrouh: Lancaster University
Alice Roe
Dr Linda Cusworth
Dr Bachar Alrouh
Nuffield Family Justice Observatory
Lancaster University
Lancaster University


Increasing concern has been raised about the small but highly vulnerable group of children and young people deprived of their liberty in various settings in England and Wales, including in secure children’s homes, and the lack of information available about these children.

This study explores trends in the volume, characteristics and legal outcomes of cases received by Cafcass and Cafcass Cymru the included an application for a secure accommodation order between 2011/12 ans 2019/20

This report was written in partnership with
  • SAIL Databank logo
    SAIL Databank
  • Family Justice Data Partnership logo
    Family Justice Data Partnership
