Following a national scoping study, the Nuffield Foundation have appointed a development team to take forward the findings of the scoping study and build an essential infrastructure to enable the enter the pilot phase of the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory early in 2019.
Led by Professor Karen Broadhurst at Lancaster University, the team will build the infrastructure of the Observatory and advise the Nuffield Foundation on the best operating model for the Observatory’s 4-5 year delivery phase, to begin in spring 2019.
Professor Broadhurst said: “I am delighted to be leading the development phase of the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, together with an outstanding team of academic and practice colleagues. The work of the national scoping study clearly indicated strong cross sector support for the Observatory, and now with further funding from the Foundation, we can bring this project to fruition.
“The development team will continue to build collaborative relationships with frontline organisations with a series of events planned throughout 2018. Through these events we will share our progress but also listen to stakeholders to ensure that the Observatory is shaped by the needs of practitioners who make pivotal decisions in the lives of children and families.”
For a full breakdown and biographies of the development team, follow the link below: