Cardiff 21st June, London 22nd June
In June 2018 The Nuffield FJO held two stakeholder events to consult with strategic leads from across the family justice community in England and Wales about priorities for the Nuffield FJO.
In the workshops stakeholders were presented with a set of priorities, already established through an earlier comprehensive scoping exercise. The workshops were designed to further unpack these topics and specify priority questions.
At the same time, the development team wanted to test out how stakeholder engagement could work most effectively, to inform plans to establish a Stakeholder Advisory Council following the launch of the pilot Nuffield FJO in 2019.
There were eight key messages participants in the workshops identified:
- Understand the context of both nations it serves.
- Span both public and private law and understand the interface.
- Develop a USP.
- Work through contested issues -have a myth busting function.
- Combine quick wins with longer-term streams of work.
- A collaborative ethos is critical but given pressures on services,the Observatory should take advantage of scheduled policy and practice meetings and forums.
- Showcase innovation and stay ahead of the curve.
- Think creatively about outputs.
A fully detailed Stakeholder Workshops report can be viewed below: