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Sir Andrew McFarlane delivers key note address: “Crisis, What Crisis?” at ALC Conference 2018

Rt. Hon. Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division, delivered a key note address at the Association of Layers for Children (ALC) conference 2018.

He discussed the ‘Born into Care’ report published by the Nuffield FJO in October:

“As the recently published research “Born into Care” by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has established, the percentage of care cases involving new-born babies (that is a baby under 1 week old) has increased by about one third in the past 9 years. The research, which was led by Professor Karen Broadhurst, and was based on data from CAFCASS, recorded that the number of new-born cases rose from 1,039 in 2007/08 to 2,447 in 2016/17. The likelihood of new-borns in the general population becoming subject to care proceedings has more than doubled, increasing from 15 new-borns per 10,000 live births in the general population in 2008 to 35 per 10,000 in 2016.”
