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Data tracker

Are children of certain ethnic groups more likely to enter care with no previous social care involvement?

How has the number of babies entering care under different orders changed over time in Wales?

How does the timing of social care intervention relate to the timing of a child’s first serious violence offence?

Analysis on all pupils matched to KS4 academic year 2012/13 – 2017/18

The mental health of children in care

Emotional and behavioural health (SDQ scores) for children in care aged 5 to 16 years in England between 2017/18 and 2021/22

What type of placements are used for children in care in Wales?

Majority of children are placed in foster care in Wales

What type of placements are used for children in care in England?

Majority of children are placed in foster care though the number of children placed in secure units, children’s homes and semi-independent living arrangements is increasing

Are deprivation levels greater in kinship households as compared to parental households?

Does the number of children living in kinship care vary by the child’s age?

Are children involved with social care doing well in school?

Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined), Key Stage 2 in England

Are children involved in social care doing well in school?

Average Attainment 8 score by social care groups between 2018/19 and 202/21 in England

How do children in care perform academically in Wales?

Percentage of students reaching expected standards at key stages, and Key Stage 4 percentage that achieved Level 2, Wales, 2019

Convicted or youth cautions for children in care in England & Wales

Convicted or youth cautions for children aged 10–17 in England & Wales between 2018 and 2022


What do we know about children in the family justice system?

Our regularly updated infographic highlights what we know, and what we don’t know, about children’s journeys through the family justice system based on national administrative data.
