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Research and resources on newborn babies in care proceedings by other organisations

The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory has published a range of research on newborn babies in care proceedings. Other organisations are also producing important research in this area, some of which is linked to here.


Research on recurrence

Supporting Parents: a website of resources relevant to anyone working with parents who have had children removed from their care through care proceedings. It is a joint initiative from Research in Practice, the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, the University of Essex, Pause and the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory.

‘Up against it’: fathers’  experiences of recurrent care proceedings: a study by teams at University of Lancaster and University of East Anglia, which provides new evidence and insights to help understand fathers’ repeat appearance in local authority care proceedings.

Vulnerable birth mothers and recurrent care proceedings: a project led by Karen Broadhurst at Lancaster University, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which examines care proceedings cases in the family courts where mothers have had successive children removed from their care.

Working with recurrent care-experienced birth mothers: a selection of online resources from the Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, Research in Practice and the University of Essex, which brings together information, reflections and practice examples.

Research on assessment and support in the pre-birth and peri-natal period

Pre-birth assessment: Strategic Briefing: a report by Mary Ryan for Research in Practice which encourages a review of local practices, procedures and protocols in relation to pre-birth assessment and to support change and development in policies and practices where necessary.
