The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory invites you to take part in this virtual practice forum to discuss pre-birth practice in the context of COVID-19.
This collaborative event is open to practitioners working across the family justice system and is an opportunity for practitioners to share experiences of working with families at risk of having their baby removed at or near birth during the COVID-19 pandemic and to consider post-birth direct work and contact/family time as it impacts family proceedings.
The event will be Chaired by Lisa Harker, Director of the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory with input from Prof Karen Broadhurst from The Centre of Child and Family Justice Research at Lancaster University. We will be using Microsoft Teams for this virtual event.
We will also hear directly from practitioners from across England and Wales, who are adapting and developing new ways to engage with families pre-birth despite the challenges posed by COVID-19.
We are hoping for practitioners to join this event and share their ideas and learn from others across England and Wales who are facing these practice issues.
We would be delighted if you will be able to join us for this event. There are limited spaces available so if you are unable to take up this offer do please nominate someone else from within your organisation to attend who you think would like to join.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with Martin Burns, the Nuffield FJO Executive Coordinator, at