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We believe in the power of evidence to change lives.

The Nuffield Foundation is an independent charitable trust with a mission to advance educational opportunity and social well-being.

We fund research that informs social policy, primarily in Education, Welfare and Justice. We also provide opportunities for young people to develop skills and confidence in science and research.

We are the founder and co-funder of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory and the Ada Lovelace Institute.

The Nuffield Foundation was established in 1943 by William Morris, Lord Nuffield, the founder of Morris Motors.

Making a difference.

We are dedicated to advancing educational opportunity and social well-being

Our people

We have seven Trustees and over 60 members of staff. 

We are committed to advancing educational opportunity and social well-being. Our team is comprised of specialists in research and policy, student programmes, grants management and operations, communications, office services and finance and investment.

Nuffield Foundation publications

In addition to the research we fund, we produce publications, briefing papers and responses to government consultations.


Our approach to investment and governance reflects our values of independence, rigorous evidence and concern for effective social policy.
