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Data tracker

What is the age distribution of children in need in England?

Percentage of children in need in England by age category

How many children are on the child protection register in Wales?

Rate per 10,000 children under 18 on the child protection register at 31 March, between 2016/17 and 2022/23 in Wales

How many children in England are on a child protection plan?

Rate per 10,000 children under 18 on a child protection plan at 31 March between 2009/10 and 2023/24 in England

How often are children on a protetction plan subject to a second or subsequent protection plan?

The percentage of children in England on a second or subsequent protection plan between 2013/14 and 2023/24

What are the most common primary needs at assessment?

Most common primary needs at assessment, England 2023/24 and Wales 2022/23

Are there differences in primary need at assessment based on a child’s age?

Frequency of top six primary needs at assessment in England 2023/24

How likely is it that mothers involved in proceedings have received care for mental health or substance use?

Proportion of mothers with at least one mental health or substance use related GP contact or hospital admission


What do we know about children in the family justice system?

Our regularly updated infographic highlights what we know, and what we don’t know, about children’s journeys through the family justice system based on national administrative data.
